Realistic Fiction

Criteria for evaluating realistic fiction:
  • Is everything consistent with the real world in which contemporary kids live? Consider especially gender and cultural elements (avoids stereotypes).
  • Does theme emerge naturally (slowly and consistently) from the story? (Good RF should have more than one theme) Does it avoid being preachy and didactic?
  • How does the topic/subject matter relate to modern readers? RF tackles sensitive topics like death and loss, sexuality and sexual orientation, changing family structure,  etc.
I think especially in our current day and time, it is so important to choose and then share good realistic fiction to YA readers. So many kids are struggling with real-world issues and need someone to tell them it's totally normal and acceptable. Realistic fiction can act both like a mirror and also a tool (like a window) to teach students how to be empathetic towards others different than them. I will consistently seek out current realistic fiction books, share them with students through book talks and read-alouds, and place them in visible spots in the library. I will create annotated bibliographies for teachers and parents to be able to share them with their kids, too.


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